Pilot Proficiency Award Program

The FAA's Pilot Proficiency Award Program (Wings) promotes air safety and encourages general aviation pilots to continue training and provides an opportunity to practice selected maneuvers in a minimum of instruction time. After you've logged three hours of dual instruction under the program and attended at least one FAA-sanctioned safety seminar, you’ll be eligible to receive a distinctive set of wings . You’ll also earn a certificate of completion. If you successfully complete a phase of the Wings Program within the period specified by Section 61.56(e) of the Federal Aviation Regulations, you don’t need to accomplish the flight review for that time period.

As laid out in Advisory Circular 61-91H, the program has twenty phases and offers you a twenty-year recurrent training opportunity. You’ll be eligible for more wings every year after earning your first set, each added set marking your progress.

Phase I wings are plain bronze tone. Phase II wings are silver tone with a star added. Phase III wings are gold tone with a star and wreath. Phase IV wings are gold tone and have a simulated ruby mounted in the shield. Phase V wings are gold tone with a rhinestone mounted in the shield. Phase VI wings are gold tone with a simulated sapphire mounted in the shield. Phases VII, VIII, and IX wings are gold tone with the appropriate Roman numeral displayed within the wreath. Phase X wings are bright gold tone with the Roman numeral X and shield located within a ring of 10 stars.

No complimentary wings will be issued. Pilots, regardless of certificate type, ratings, or position, must earn the privilege of wearing the pilot proficiency wings. A pin and certificate will be awarded for Phases I through X. A certificate only will be awarded for Phases XI through XX.

Seaplane pilots who specify “seawings” on the proficiency award application get a distinctive set of seawings.



To be eligible for the program, you must:


To apply for the Pilot Proficiency Award Program, send your application to your local FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO).

New Wings Program

The original Wings program ended on December 31, 2007, although another month was allowed to process final applications.[1] It was replaced by a new program from the new FAA safety website. The FAA's new program attempts to provide better standards for pilots getting flight reviews and training, adding the most common causes of accidents into the curriculum and providing set standards for maneuvers, instead of giving a minimum flight time to complete. Currently, the FAA does not plan to provide pins for completion of a level of the new Wings program[2], but it mentions in its tutorial that private companies might in the future provide pins to those who qualify. The new website will also keep track of a pilot's recurrent training and will be able to remind the pilot by e-mail if their training is close to expiring, requiring them to get a new flight review or complete another Wings course. On April 11, 2008, aviation insurer Avemco announced that they are sponsoring the WINGS Pilot Proficiency Program by supplying all WINGS participants with WINGS lapel pins upon program completion.[3]

On 24 September, 2010, the FAA announced specific recognition for those sea-rated pilots who complete a phase of WINGS in a seaplane or amphibian. The Seaplane Pilots Association agreed to send a a lapel pin to these pilots, and at least one insurance company, Falcon Insurance Agency of Florida, Inc., has indicated they will offer “significant premium discounts” to members of the Seaplane Pilots Association who complete a phase of WINGS in a seaplane. [4]


  1. ^ FAA Website describing the changes
  2. ^ FAA on-line tutorial describing new program
  3. ^ Avemco press release - AVEMCO ANNOUNCES SUPPORT FOR GENERAL AVIATION PROGRAMS FAA WINGS Program, AERI Research and Build A Plane to Benefit
  4. ^ FAASafety.gov - "Sea WINGS" notice

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